You are here: Options > Security Options > Password Reuse Limit and Complexity

Password Reuse Limit and Complexity

You can set password reuse limits and password complexity. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the Options menu to expand it.
  2. Click Security.
  3. Scroll down if necessary to view the Password panel.

  1. Type the Password Reuse Limit number, from 0 to 999,999,999,999. If you set this field to 0, no password re-use checking is performed.

Password security can be strengthened by blocking users from re-using the same password when prompted to change it. The number in this field determines how many previous passwords should be checked. The password checking is done on a per-user basis, so a password is not rejected if User A happens to choose the same password that User B recently used.

Only passwords that are an exact match with a previous password that occurred within the specified range will be rejected. For example, if a user’s current password is apple24, a password change to apple25 will be accepted.

When the Password Re-Use Limit feature is employed, it affects all passwords in the LearnCenter, including Administrator passwords.

These fields are only editable if you have been granted the Manage LearnCenter Security User Permission. The Require Login check box is only editable if you have been granted the Edit User Signup Requirements sub User Permission. See Options User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying these user permissions.

  1. If you do not want to implement User Password Complexity for your LearnCenter, select Do not require complex passwords.
    If you do want to implement User Password Complexity for your LearnCenter, select Require this complexity rule, then select a rule from the drop-down list.

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